It's Crumb City. The big crumb is City Hall. These are distinct for some reason.

Introducing Wall Buddies – framed wall art!

For Anime Expo/Comic-Con/Gen Con this year, my buddy Jason and I made a bunch of these framed wall hangings.

Our convention season is over for the year, but we have some stock left!

They’re 12 x 12″ (the size of a record album), and each piece comes framed & ready to hang.

Because of the way we make them, there are a bunch of different color patterns. (Basically, we cut the same design out of various colors of material, and then mix & match all the pieces.)

To be clear, they come framed.

The two basic designs we’ve made so far are all the different D20s you see in the picture, and some floppy disks (of which there are a couple more variants than are pictured). UPDATE: The floppies all sold out for the time being! We’ll make more soon enough! We’ve named each different colorway after a D&D character or a classic file extension.

We have a large variety but not a large inventory — there’s no more than 4 of any given color pattern, and for several, only 1.

Critical hit not included

This is a bit of a test! We will likely make more of these if they prove popular (in a less expansive set of different colorways), but for now, we wanted to make our convention inventory available for folks who couldn’t make it to a show.

They are available in my store right now, or, just scroll down! (Patreon pals got the link yesterday, and a few are already gone!)

ALSO NOTE: The shipping cost is what it is, but I will ship any additional pieces after the first for no extra cost!

In other words, the shipping fee is flat no matter how many pieces you get. (Within the U.S. only, unfortunately.)

Roll-a-Sketches from Comic-Con! Gen Con THIS WEEK!

Here are a few of the Roll-a-Sketch drawings I did at San Diego Comic-Con this year!

And I’ll also be at Gen Con in Indianapolis, this weekend. I’m at the Blind Ferret booth, #2129! It’ll be my last convention of 2017.

Stop by and get your own drawing possibly as lovely as any of these (click the images for a closer look):





And finally, CHICKEN + DOCTOR:

Check out: NPR’s list of “100 Favorite Comics”

NPR has just published a list of 100 Favorite Comics And Graphic Novels — and I’m thrilled that Wondermark made the list!

The list has all the usual suspects — Maus, Watchmen and the rest — but makes clear it’s a list of favorites, so there’s some variety as well:

This isn’t meant as a comprehensive list of the “best” or “most important” or “most influential” comics, of course. It’s a lot more personal and idiosyncratic than that, because we asked folks to name the comics they loved.

And they break the list down into sensible categories — graphic novels vs. comic books vs. webcomics, etc — which allows for a few favorites to be listed in each.

A lot of my friends are on the list too, which is great, because it means I have talented friends and good taste in friendships! Check out the links for plenty of new reading material.

Thanks, NPR! Sorry for making fun of you in 2006 and again, kind of, in 2012.

(But I know we cool, because I was also briefly on Morning Edition in 2010. And I did that whole thing for Sanden Totten where I impersonated Tesla.)

COMIC-CON ALERT: San-Diego Comic-Con is next week! I will be back at the TopatoCo booth as per usual, #1229!

Remember the mnemonic: Just think 1-2-3-4, and look for booth #1234! Then turn around, and I’ll be behind you!

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