Introducing the Beard Portrait Booth!

Come to my Clever Tricks to Stave Off Death launch party in Beverly Hills this Wednesday, and experience the Beard Portrait Booth! I’ll have wonderful photographer Noé Montes on hand to help you experience the thrill of beardedness. Have a beard already? Try a new style, or simply accessorize with a fine display of hats and baubles. Perhaps even create a new you. All photos will be posted for the world to admire afterwards. It is a thing that will be tremendous fun!

The party will be from 7-10 PM this Wednesday night, June 17, at the Crescent Hotel — 403 N. Crescent Dr, 90210. Click here for directions or here for a Facebook thingy!

OH AND ALSO — apparently there is another voting round of the “Tweet Me a Story” contest! I am currently in the finals with my succinct tale of a shoddy ninja academy. View the entrants, and vote, here.

Updates! Reminders! Links! THE INTERNET


Thank you very much to everyone who voted for me in the “Tweet Me a Story” contest last week! Yesterday I received word that I made it to the FINAL ROUND. Exciting! For the finals, I had to write another story (based on the provided word “tear”) and we shall soon see HOW I FARED.

This coming Monday is the final day to vote for Eisner nominees! If you’re a comics professional, including a webcomic creator, you are eligible to vote, which you can do right here.

This coming Wednesday is my Clever Tricks to Stave Off Death release party in Beverly Hills! Here’s the info and here’s a Facebook invite page with all the same info. Come get free sketches, free high-fives, and hugs that cost a dollar. But I pay you for any groping that might occur!

Finally! A kind chap named John Kenyon asked me some interesting questions, and I answered them. It is called an “interview” and you can read it right here! I like this one, because I asked John to ask me some new questions that I hadn’t been asked before, and he sportingly complied. Representative quote from the exchange: “So what I am saying is that who knew that angry-looking soldier in an 1887 engraving was actually mad at a tiny mischievous triceratops that only he could see?”

I’m in NYC this weekend!

Another brief reminder about the MoCCA Art Festival in Manhattan this very weekend! I’ll have books, posters, and smiles. Come out and say hello!

The show is June 6-7, 11am-6pm both days, at the 69th Regiment Armory at Lexington Avenue and 25th Street. It’s gonna be so great you guys

Eisner nomination! Twitter contest! Podcast! NEW YORK CITY


Hey so my book Beards of our Forefathers has been nominated for an Eisner Award this year! The book is up for Best Humor Publication, which is a tremendous honor. If you’re associated with the comics industry at all, you know how big of a deal the Eisners are — and you may even be eligible to vote!

If you’re a comics professional (artist, writer, inker, colorist, letterer); a webcomic creator; a publisher or editor; or you own or manage a comic shop, you ARE eligible.

So if you’ve read Beards of our Forefathers and enjoyed it, please consider casting a vote at! (Voting closes on June 15.)

tweet me right

Speaking of voting! I’ve participated in a contest called “Tweet Me A Story,” where participants are challenged to write 140-character-or-less stories based on a provided term. The first round of the judging is over, and two of my stories have made it to the finals in my category!

Starting June 2nd at 9am Eastern, the finalists are put up for an audience vote, and the top vote-getters advance to a grand-championship round. Here’s where you can read the top 15 stories in my category and vote for your favorite!

We've got pep!

While we’re talking about Twitter, I want to tell you about a cool new project I’m involved with! My good friend Kris Straub and I are starting a podcast called “Tweet Me Harder.” We’ll stream it live as we record it, so listeners can respond to us in real-time using Twitter — then Kris and I will use the listener comments as springboards for further conversation and raucous comedy hilarity. It’s clearly the future of podcast talkback interpersonal activity audioblasting!

Our first show will be this Wednesday, June 3rd, at 7pm Pacific / 10pm Eastern. The details are here — and even if you can’t tune in live, we’ll post a recording after the show. (It is a podcast, after all.) You can also follow the show on Twitter to stay on top of everything.


Lastly — I’ll be in New York this coming weekend for the MoCCA Art Festival! This is one of my favorite shows of the year. It’s in a new location at the 69th Regiment Armory this year, so don’t go to the Puck Building and wonder where everyone’s hiding. Come out and say hello! I’ll be doing mediocre sketches galore. I am talking GALORE.

What a weird word. GALORE.

See you in New York!

Just added: June 17 book signing in Beverly Hills!


Mark your calendar! I’ll be bringing books, sketch paper and high-fives to the official Clever Tricks to Stave Off Death release party at the awesome Crescent Hotel in Beverly Hills. What better way to launch a book that no less an authority than Publishers Weekly called “mordant but must-have“?

The Crescent has an amazing indoor/outdoor lounge bar with double-sided fireplaces, massive leather couches, and a full-service bar and restaurant. We’ll be there from 7-10 PM, and I’ll be doing free sketches in all my books! It’ll be my only Los Angeles appearance this summer, and perhaps all year.

This is the first time I’ve held an event like this and I can’t wait to meet everybody who lives in my very own li’l town. Finally, an event in Los Angeles for the locals! Come out, introduce yourself, and represent.

I’ll post another reminder closer to the date, but mark your calendar now for Wednesday, June 17!