Upcoming convention appearances!

checked this nation right off the list

Time to get the travelin’ shoes on again! I’m hitting three corners of the country in the next few weeks, making what roughly amounts to a continent-wide check-mark. I’ll have books, a few shirts and posters, probably some holiday cards, and definitely smiles. First up:

ess pee ecks

The Small Press Expo in Bethesda, Maryland, on September 26-27! One of my favorite shows of the year, not least because the attendees are so uniformly attractive. YES THAT MEANS YOU

ell bee see see

The brand-new Long Beach Comic Con on October 2-4!
This is the first year for this particular show and I’m excited to see how it goes. I’ll be on a panel talking about webcomics, and if I can swing it, also a panel talking about Chilean potato farming, which I know roughly as much about.

uhh, word stock

The Wordstock book festival in Portland, Oregon, on October 10-11! I’m very excited for this show, because, you know, I like books. If you do too, come check it out and maybe say hello!

I’m sorry to say I will not be at the APE show in San Francisco this year due to a prior engagement — but I’ll have representatives there probably with some books and shirts! Maybe my proxies can fill the gaping void in your ribs until Wondercon, next spring, which I will be at? If not, I’ll just see you in April!

now where did I put dem travelin’ shoes

6 thoughts on “Upcoming convention appearances!”

  1. Would you ever come to dragoncon in atlanta georgia? Would love to see your work and you! It’s for days of maddness in august! It really is the best time ever.

  2. I’ve considered it in the past (I had a film that played in their festival last year) but I’ve never been able to justify the cost of exhibiting. If I can put together an appropriate list of products, though, I might make it out next year!

  3. I actually really wanted to go to SteamCon, but by the time I contacted them, they were sold out of vendor booths! If you know something I don’t, or know of space I could share, I’m all ears.

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