Lend a hand at Worldcon in Reno!

In a few weeks I’ll be attending my very first World Science Fiction Convention — this year it’s in Reno, Nevada, and called Renovation! I’m excited to be on a number of panels (including one discussing humor with Dr. Demento!) and I’ll also have a table with Wondermark and Machine of Death books.

UPDATE: Thanks, I’m all set now!

Would you like to attend Renovation for free? I’m looking for one person to help me out at the table. I’ve learned from experience that manning a table by myself for days is a very difficult thing to do. My MOD co-editor Matt will be hanging out with me, but even still I’d rather have someone who I can count on to be a dedicated assistant.

If you live in Reno and would like a free attending membership to Renovation, in addition to having your meals covered all week long, in exchange for helping out at the table — please email me at dave at wondermark dot com. Thanks!

2 thoughts on “Lend a hand at Worldcon in Reno!”

  1. As much as I would love to help you out with this, I’m afraid my paying day job would frown on my taking time off. If you’d like someone in the evenings, however, we can talk (and I could definitely be available on the weekend!).

    Jo/SisterCoyote (here via Toni Arthur)

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