First Look: Wondermark 2016 Calendar

The 2016 Wondermark Calendar is now available for pre-order! UPDATE: It is now sold out!

We expect them to start shipping in mid-December. Here’s a first look at the (not final) cover…

looking good there buddy

Un-Named Beasts of the Forgotten Wilds; And, The Names I Gave Them

From the Personal Diaries of Dr Priscilla Dustbin, duly recorded on her many travels to the Shadowy Corners of the Globe;

Subsequently mislabeled in the Bodleian Library, and only recently rediscovered by Quite Surprised Researchers seeking Quite Different Things;

Presented here Whole and Entire, unexpurgated, unabridged, without redaction in Any Instance;

Even when it might have been wise to Do So, for the Safety and Well-being of the Reading Public;

All entries assumed True, or, at least, Honest Observations by the Doctor of what she Thought she Saw;

Further judgment Reserved.

As in previous years, the calendar rides through the year on a special backboard, which you may re-use from previous editions if you already have one.

New for this year, every order will ship with a miniature commemorative plaque. This ‘Cast Card’ will feature a portrait of one of the calendar’s characters, along with a full list of their vital statistics. It’s sort of like a baseball card, except not about baseball, and made of wood.

This Cast Card is unique in design to the calendar offering, and one will be included free with all orders. (For those keeping track, it is Cast Card release #2. We have also done one for the Multi-Purpose Cards Kickstarter, which is shipping to backers now!)

And another thing! The very first Wondermark calendar was released December 2007. If this will be your fifth calendar (or more), we consider you a Calendar Ace! If this describes you, then you qualify for a second unique Cast Card, celebrating your achievement. It is a free gift from us, to say thank you!

looking sharp!!!

I’m big on commemorative plaques this season, friends.

More details on the calendar soon… Until then, you may feel free to reserve your copy now! As always, these are strictly limited, and they sell out every year. UPDATE: THEY HAVE

New holiday card! Bear with a barrel!

Here’s a brand-new holiday card! I have titled it “Barrel”:

Over at the ol’ Wondermark greeting card shop, you can choose from forty-six different designs. Holy moly! Forty-six! I hadn’t counted in a while!

Kickstarter orders for the cool boxed sets will start going out very shortly. In the meantime, if you’re not waiting on that, feel free to browse our full selection of cards, and pick up any that suit you! You can order as few as three cards (or as many as a million, I guess?).

I’ve got a fair number of the holiday-specific cards in stock, but not a ton… I won’t be ordering a restock, I don’t think (too much to do this month, between the Kickstarter and the calendar!), so once we’re out of stock for a given design, that’ll be it for the season.

So if you’re interested in grabbing some cards this year, my advice is not to delay!

Four New Good Things I’m Making

Here are FOUR different things I’m making this month!

••• FIRST •••

A short Kickstarter campaign for a new printing of my Multi-Purpose Greeting Cards!

The thing that’s different about this edition of the cards is that we’re packaging them in these super cool foil-stamped stationery boxes:

yes they are really that shiny

These boxes have no labels or branding…so, once you use up the cards, keep the boxes and use ’em for something cool!!

We’ve already past 45,000% of our funding goal so I am very excited. I even doubled the goal from the last project!!

Multi-Purpose, All-Occasion Greeting Cards on Kickstarter

••• SECOND •••

By popular request, and just in time for Thanksgiving: a new Turctopus T-shirt!

mmm, rubbery

“Sailors have long known the legend of the mysterious turctopus. Many a mug of grog has overheard tales of the ‘waddle in the waves’.

“The beast was swift – feathery – enough to feed a family of eight – and best of all: it came pre-brined.”

Turctopus: Everybody Gets a Drumstick on Teespring

••• THIRD •••

If you don’t want a NEW shirt but would rather revisit some of my OLD ones, I’m pleased to announce another wave of reprints & reissues at T-shirt Diplomacy!

pretty good stuff pretty good stuff

Some of these were only different things, before — stickers, or sweatshirts, or aprons, or stickers, or stickers. Others started their lives in different styles or colors.

For the past span of time they’ve been in the Disney Vault, or whatever. Now, a new generation of shirts emerges from the gloom and takes their place in the sun.

This reissue series includes, by popular request, “Everything is Fine”:

everything is just great

Reissued Wondermark shirts on T-shirt Diplomacy

••• FOURTH •••

I sure do like making “stuff,” but I know not everybody needs, or wants, more “stuff.” So, I have a Patreon, too.

I haven’t quite figured out what to do with it yet — suggestions are welcome! — but one thing I did do, today, was post a special bargain deal on greeting cards exclusively for Patreon supporters (“patreonauts”).

The stuff I do on this website will always be free — that’s my promise.

But if you are so inclined, by using Patreon, I’m able to set my hat gently out on the sidewalk in front of me. Patreon enables folks like you to chip in a tiny amount — just a buck or two a month, from multiple folks, goes a long way.

I’m very grateful to the people who’ve tossed a few coins into the Patreon bucket and become WONDERMARK WINNER’S CIRCLE MEMBERS! That is a term (and a status) I just made up, but it is absolutely how I feel about all of you.

Support Fun Things for Nice People on Patreon

Look at that! Some great stuff. It’s amazing, when you look at it all! Just put your hands on your hips and take it all in.

FINAL, OBLIGATORY REMINDER: I’m in Austin this weekend!



I have a new shirt at TopatoCo! The pen is mightier etc etc.

If you order this week, you can even choose your color shirt (and help choose which color we keep for the production run). But the different color options are available for 5 days only!

While you’re at TopatoCo, you can also feel free to grab one of the new Wondermark jigsaw puzzles! There are three big ones plus a small one of my kittycat.


And also there are these phone wallets! They have little pockets for credit cards & stuff. I forget if I ever mentioned them!!

ring ring


New at T-Shirt Diplomacy: Snake Coil! Sea Lions! Sarcasm!


Hey I’ve got some cool new shirts up at T-shirt Diplomacy!

A lot of people asked for a Snake Coil logo (based on last week’s comic, of course), so here you go!


Also! Sarcasm shirts are back, both in original color Midnight Blast and newly minted Cool Arctic Breeze. All shirt colors are now named after deodorant flavors.

The Sarcasm shirt was kind of inspired by this comic I guess! For extra credit: there is also this comic and this comic.


Finally! Our pal the sea lion is back and HE’S BROUGHT BACKUP. Visit the lovely, fang-torn Piranhamoose Republic today.

I never used to like making black shirts, but I have been cured of that aversion. That said: One cool thing about T-shirt Diplomacy is that they’ll do custom prints of any shirt on a different color/brand, if you want. Costs a few bucks extra, but then you get to Have It Your Way™!

This week we are FINISHING shipping out our Wondermark jigsaw puzzles! That means, if you’ve been gnawing your fingernails to nubs waiting for your chance to get one, THAT TIME IS NIGH. Next week, over at TopatoCo! I’ll make a suitably loud noise!