Malki Jr on Holiday

All that the light touches, my son

I had a lovely time in Hawaii the other week, thanks to those of you who came out to our comedy shows!

You know who else had a nice time? Malki Jr, that’s who.

That’s a wrap for conventions and appearances this year! Time to hunker down and work on a few big projects I want to get out before the end of the year — the 2017 Wondermark Calendar will be coming soon, of course, and another neat thing before we get to that. One word, friend: coasters.

Also, I posted another extremely long Roll-a-Sketch “From the Vault” post over on the Wondermark Patreon! It’s the Robot Special, in which I talk about how to draw robots, and all the different robots I’ve drawn over the years.

That’s up now for $5+ Patreonauts! Of course I love you all equally, though.

NEXT WEEK: Improv Festival in Hawaii

'The Improv Extravaganza'

Next week, September 23 & 24, I’ll be performing on stage at Improvaganza, the Hawaii Festival of Improv in Honolulu!

My team, The Audience, will be doing two comedy shows: Friday night at 9pm, and Saturday night at 9pm.

It was a great honor to be invited to perform in Hawaii and I’m really looking forward to the trip! The festival itself runs for most of the week, with various workshops and performances — which I assume are all great.

I have to admit: this is the only time I’m likely to be in Hawaii on OFFICIAL BUSINESS for quite a while. Barring a future invitation from a convention, I don’t have any current plans to attend any comics-related events there.

But since I WILL be on Oahu next week, well, shoot, it’d be fun to do a meetup! Perhaps at a local comic or game store, or somewhere else comfortable? I’d love to make myself available on this rare occasion.

I’ll actually be arriving on the 20th, so I’ll be around most of the week… AND THE 21ST IS MY BIRTHDAY WHAAATT

Honestly? I have no idea how many readers might be in Hawaii and interested in saying hello! If you are local and have any suggestions or ideas for how this might work, don’t be shy, please shoot me an email — [dave at wondermark dot com]

If it looks like something can be scheduled, I’ll make an announcement here on the site and also on my Twitter.

And if not? I guess I’ll just drown my lonely sorrows in a huge pile of malasadas. What a terrible, terrible fate to be consigned to.

THIS THURSDAY: ‘The Internet Read Aloud’ in L.A.


This Thursday night, September 8, I’ll be participating in the latest installment of “The Internet Read Aloud,” a reading/comedy show hosted by Josh Fruhlinger (of the Comics Curmudgeon, and many other things)!


I will be doing a dramatic reading of my poem comprised entirely of phrases from Jeb Bush’s fundraising emails. And the evening has many other delights in store as well, I have been assured.

It’s at the Clubhouse in Hollywood, and details are also at this “Face-Book Event,” hyperlinked here! I hope to see you there!!


Bonus Roll-a-Sketch drawings FROM THE VAULT

Behold, The Nine


I went back to my collection of Roll-a-Sketch drawings (of which there are many, many that don’t make it here onto the blog) and put together a sort of BONUS PACK of never-before-seen entries!

And I also wrote some commentary on each, which is a new thing that I haven’t done before and which I frankly find fascinating. Perhaps you will too?

The post is available to all $5+ members of my Patreon! The patreonauts who support me and Wondermark and the other things I make for you are all cherished jewels of humanity to me, and if this BEHIND-THE-SCENES oversharing of drawings is of interest to you, I would like to make it a more regular thing.

PATREONAUT BONUS: A bunch of Roll-a-Sketch drawings! ]

Roll-a-Sketch drawings from Comic-Con!


Here are a few of the Roll-a-Sketch drawings I did in San Diego last week!

BUT FIRST: I want to thank the patrons who’ve supported Wondermark this month on Patreon! All of you are precious to me, and I appreciate your kindness more than I can say.

But I want to especially thank members of this month’s Cast Card Subscription Program: Miri B., Jack T., Rahul J., Scarlett L., Colin M., lograh, Michael I., Emily R., Brian M., Nicholas M., and Janet O. As top tier supporters, they deserve mention here where everyone can bask in their reflected glory.

These fine patreonauts, and many others, have my thanks and a promise of a firm handshake or mutual respectful nod if we ever meet in person.

Now, here are some drawings!! (Click any image for a closer look)


chase the pleasures that matter to you


most impressive

New at San Diego was the introduction of a FULL COLOR OPTION at the Platinum Reserve level. Here by way of example is MILKSHAKE + MERMAID + GHOUL + TMNT [Ninja Turtle] + MOOSE + C-3PO:


This particular gentleman has for years brought around a sketchbook with captions pre-written on the top of every blank page — as a challenge for the artist to draw something matching the caption. Here is BEAR + ANTELOPE + HE-MAN + YAK:


Thanks to these fine folks and many others who dropped by in San Diego!

Want a strange but haunting drawing of your very own? My NEXT stop will be Gen Con in Indianapolis, this coming weekend!

I’ll be hanging out at the Blind Ferret booth, #1437, along with a whole plethora of pals such as Sam Logan, Jeph Jacques, Kory Bing, Alina Pete, and Phil Foglio.

I’ll also be repping T-shirts from TopatoCo pals Kate Beaton, Ryan North, KC Green and more, so come take a browse!

KC even let me make a wooden magnet out of his world-famous flammable dog:

this is a magnet.

We’ll have them at Gen Con, booth 1437! See you there!!