“Everything is Exhausting” bag now available!

My friends at TopatoCo (who make my T-shirts and lots of other fine things) are making an “Everything is Exhausting” bag!

This slogan is one of my faux-warning-labels, which have proved to be very popular as stickers.

There’s a wee li’l preorder running right now where you can claim one of the new bags:

[ Lemme see that bag ]

It’s a smallish bag about the size of an iPad, with some hidden pockets and other cool stuff. They call it a “Tech Bag,” which sounds very futuristic.


You can also bundle the bag (optionally) with an enamel pin of the same design!

Or, I do already make this design as a pin and a sticker that are available by themselves (no bag necessary).


[ Here’s that bag link a second time ]

Note: If you are an enamel pin fan, do stay tuned for another big announcement later this month. (Tease tease!)

Is Headstabbers a remake?

Embed from Getty Images
Above: Getty Images result for "knife head"

Longtime readers know the Headstabbers literary/cinematic franchise is extremely popular (and prolific) in whatever time and place Wondermark occurs.

But a reader wrote in to let me know that it may actually be a remake! There is a 1978 German film called Messer im Kopf – in English, Knife in the Head.

As this review raves, the film contains, at least for the time:

“…arguably the most realistic enactment of a brain injury ever depicted in the cinema.”

A more succinct summary of Headstabbers you would be hard-pressed to find.

Last call for free bonus game cards! (Only through Feb. 29)

UPDATED TO ADD: I forgot there’s an extra day in February this year! So I will leave the claim form open through FEBRUARY 29 and then close it down.

Thanks to those of you who have submitted your information to get free bonus game cards!

I figured I would wait a beat (until the holiday frenzy had passed) to give folks one final chance to submit, and then I’ll get the cards printed and sent out.

That final chance has come!

Claim your exclusive bonus cards now:

As I mentioned in my previous blog post, I would really like you to get copies of two of my recent tabletop games: Keep it 100 and Humblebrag.

Both are party games:

  • Keep it 100 is a slightly adult-themed (but clean-up-able) survey-results guessing and betting game, similar to Family Feud meets Timeline.
  • Humblebrag is a Scattergories-type quick-thinking game with a B.S. bluffing element.

If you already have (or choose to obtain) either game, just send me your receipt or a photo of your game — and I will mail you a free pack of 10 bonus cards for either game (or both)!

The Humblebrag bonus cards are just some fun new categories I thought up.

The Keep it 100 bonus cards feature 10 new survey questions. These are the same survey questions I asked you a few months ago! We’ve had about 500 responses to the surveys so far.

If you haven’t taken the surveys yourself, feel free to do so now! (Whether or not you have the game!)

It’ll be the aggregated answers to those specific questions that will feature on the bonus cards, so the larger the sample of respondents, the better they’ll work for the game.

Meaning, if you want to know the final cumulative answers… you’ll have to get the bonus cards!

☑️ I will leave the submission form open for the rest of the monththrough February 28 29.

Then I will close the form, compile the survey data, print all the bonus cards, and mail them out to everyone who submitted their information! These cards will not be reprinted after this bonus offer.

To repeat: you just have to submit either your receipt (if you get either game now) or just a photo of your copy (if you already have one) to qualify for the free bonus cards.

Here’s where you can find these games:

Thanks so much and I hope you enjoy the game(s)!!

Free PDF Download – 2024 Gapless Calendar!

I used to do this every year, and now, hooray, it’s back for 2024!

I like making and using gapless calendars for planning because they display time as a continuous flow, which is the way we actually experience time.

Because I used to fill my year with weekend events, such as conventions, previously I would start each week on Monday so that Saturday and Sunday would group together.

I know the Sunday-start version is more typical, though (and this year I’m using a Sunday-start one myself, as you can see above).

So, this year I’ve made both versions! Download the printable PDF for whichever one you like:

A few notes for those of you who haven’t used this before:

  • The PDF prints out as 6 pages. If you want to overlap them into bigger columns, like I’ve done here in the picture, you can trim the top off the second page and line it up with the bottom of the previous page.
  • The calendar ends in mid-February 2025, just because that’s how many more days fit on the page after the end of 2024.
  • There are no holidays indicated, only days and dates.
  • Feel free to modify this however you like.
