(Flickr image from StevenCloud)
Thank you for all the kind suggestions and feedback on my last post! HERE ARE SOME UPDATES on all those prospects that seemed so uncertain, just days ago.
February 12-13: Bazaar Bizarre, Cleveland OH
For about ten seconds I seriously entertained the idea of making a mad last-second dash to Cleveland, just because I’ve never exhibited in the Midwest before and I’d like to try this show out. But then I looked into the price of airfare and had second thoughts. The Bazaar Bizarre event in Northern California (at Maker Faire) sounds much more doable. I’ll definitely try for that one!
★ February 20: Long Beach One Day Comic Expo, Long Beach CA
This is just a one-day event, an easy drive down from Los Angeles. It’ll probably be low-key, but I don’t see any real reason to skip it. SEE YOU THERE
★ May 15-16: Renegade Craft Fair, Austin TX
I’ve put in the application! It’s a juried show, so I don’t know for sure if I’ll be accepted, but you guys have gotten me pretty jazzed about it. I’ve always had fun in Austin before, and it’d be neat to go back for a two-day show. HERE’S HOPING
★ May 22-23: Bazaar Bizarre at Maker Faire, San Mateo CA
Another juried show, but I’ll definitely be applying and it’d be super neat to be able to exhibit at Maker Faire. I think for Renegade and this event both I’ll need to step up my game and bring some awesome hand-made items to the fore! WHAT COULD THEY BE??? Suggestions welcome! What would be a neat hand-made Wondermark item?
★ May 28-31: World Steam Expo, Dearborn MI (tentative)
A very kind invitation from Eli at the Ann Arbor District Library to do a talk has greatly changed the potential landscape for this trip, and pending talks with the show organizers, I hope to work this out. Exciting!
★ June 4-6: Heroes Con, Charlotte NC
I know Heroes is a great show — I attended a few years ago, and I’m friends with Dustin. I had fun; it just turned out to be a much more expensive trip than I’d anticipated, so I was unsure if I’d be able to do it again. However, I know that a ton of my webcomics colleagues will be in attendance this year, so I’m hoping a good crowd will come out and bathe me in their riches! I’ll keep my eyes & ears open for ways to save on travel and lodging (suggestions welcome), and it’ll all work out. LET’S GIVE IT A GO
June 18-20: SupaNova, Sydney Australia
I was pleased to see a spirited response to the suggestion of a trip Down Under, though I’m still not certain that this is the show for me. I am, however, tremendously intrigued by the World Science Fiction Convention, held September 2-6 in Melbourne — if I’d be coming halfway around the world, a five-day show would be a great reason to do so. And dealer tables are way cheaper than SupaNova! Again, travel and lodging will have to be carefully considered, and I suppose I should figure out some way to somehow tie myself into the world of science fiction, but this could be really fun! Maybe I can even finagle my way into giving a talk?
AUSSIES: If you’d like to see me at this show, feel free to pester them to invite me! (This goes for everyone, anywhere, at any show, to be honest.)
July 31-August 1: Pan-Kinetic Expo, Vallejo CA
This one is still a “maybe” for now. It sounds like a really neat event, and the organizers seem like good people… but it’s the week after the San Diego Comic-Con and I may be clinically dead. So we’ll see.
May 14-16, The Steampunk World’s Fair, Piscataway NJ
If I end up going to Austin that weekend, I wouldn’t be able to make it to New Jersey. I also have a restraining order against New Jersey after an experience that still causes me recurrent nightmares.
July 1-4, CONvergence, St. Paul MN
I’d love to come to St. Paul! There’s clearly a huge circuit of sci-fi/fantasy/literary conventions that I’ve had very little experience with. I’m not sure I belong there, but dangit if I won’t try to figure out a way to horn my way in. I’ll work on developing a panel program/lecture so I can weasel my way into these events. CONvergence programming staff, go ahead, put me on a thing — I won’t disappoint. (Or, Minnesotans: email them.)
July 30-August 1, SpoCon, Spokane WA
This intrigues me too! I’ve actually been to Spokane several times (my mom was born there, believe it or not) though I think the last time may have been when I was 12. Again, not totally sure if I’d fit the bill, and of course this is the same weekend as the aforementioned Pan-Kinetic Expo, but I’ll entertain any reasonable invitation from any programming committee. Is that weird? I’m starting to see a lot of the same old-timers on the same old con circuit, and I can’t help myself from thinking “Geez, get a job, dude. How many things have you made vs. places you just keep showing up?” So I don’t want to become a con weirdo. But I do like to travel, and I do like to meet people, and I do like to do strange things in front of crowds. I’m getting more excited by this lecture idea all the time. What would I talk about?
October 16-17, Armageddon Expo, Melbourne Australia
That weekend’s already spoken for, but heck if I lived in Melbourne I’d totally go to this. Poking around the website reveals sister shows in New Zealand, and after a brief burst of excitement that perhaps one might coincide with the aforementioned World Science Fiction Convention, I realized I wouldn’t be able to make it to either the Wellington or the Christchurch event. SORRY KIWIS. But I will see you sometime I hope!
September sometime, Mountain-Con, Salt Lake City UT
Hmm. I’ve already said I like traveling, and I enjoyed Utah the one time I was there, but this might be stretching a bit. No offense, Mountain-Con! If I was in the intermountain area I’d definitely consider it.
July 17-24, Circus City Festival, Peru IN
Please come to Dragon Con!
Oh please make it to melbourne. I could travel there – i have beard stuff to get, autographed naturally, tshirts to lust over and find myself bying (ditto books), and admiration to express:))))
yes, as much as i live scifi, this would be only reason for me to actually do it.
(travel is annoying in a wheelchair).
For about ten seconds I seriously entertained the idea of making a mad last-second dash to Cleveland, just because I’ve never exhibited in the Midwest before and I’d like to try this show out. But then I looked into the price of airfare and had second thoughts.
Bummer! Try again next year.
What about GenCon, in Indianapolis?
Oh no, are you not going to make it to the Toronto Comic Arts Festival? In the other post on this topic, it was never crossed off, so I thought it was in the clear!
I live close to Toronto, but I wasn’t able to make it last year. This year I was hoping to go, and I’d be disappointed if you won’t be making an appearance there.
@Rox: Dragon*Con’s always been tough to justify for me. TopatoCo will be there with some of my stuff, though!
@Mel: I don’t think GenCon’s really my crowd. It’s a gaming con, right?
@Nick: This post is just my decisions about the “maybes” from the last post. TCAF has been and is still 100% confirmed! I wouldn’t miss it.
Need a place to crash if you’re invited to Renegade? I promise that while you’re asleep I’ll only cut off parts of you that are already technically dead for my collection.
I wanted to put in a plug for the Circus City Festival in Peru, IN, since it’s reasonably close to where I live, but I couldn’t actually think of any convincing reason why you’d want to visit northern Indiana.
Please come to the show in Chicago. None of the great webcomic artists come to the few shows we have in the midwest. Its really difficult for us to get to california or new york. So come visit us.
“I suppose I should figure out some way to somehow tie myself into the world of science fiction, but this could be really fun! Maybe I can even finagle my way into giving a talk? AUSSIES: If you’d like to see me at this show, feel free to pester them to invite me! (This goes for everyone, anywhere, at any show, to be honest.)”
Greetings! I’m glad you liked my suggestion about attending the worldcon. Unfortunately, we don’t cover any expenses for people on programming except for our Guests of Honor. However, the programming will include a stream on comics and you certainly would be a great addition. As for genre connections, you should qualify if only for this strip alone :-> ( https://wondermark.com/c/2009-03-10-496time.gif)
July 17-24, Circus City Festival, Peru IN
Ha! Seriously! It wouldn’t be a great appearance opportunity, but Peru Indiana is the geographical equivalent of a muse, a veritable fount of creative juice, and the Peru Circus is the last remaining vestige of the 1800’s tradition of the traveling circus!
I’d add more exclamation points if I thought it would help.
I would love to see you in Sydney Australia! It’s such a shame you decided against Supanova, it’s a staple in the Sydney geek community and you’d get a pretty excellent turnout. I think Supanova would be a better fit for you than the Sci-Fi Convention, anyway. I know it’s more expensive, but I think it would be a lot more fruitful.
Either way, it would be awesome of you to come to Australia in the first place. Have a think about it!
Re: Not coming to Cleveland. But see, out in California, you’re just another brilliant schmoe lost amidst a bunch of other geniuses. Here you would be welcomed as a conquerer! A towering king bestriding our poor, gray city … and so forth …
I think I just had a mild hyperventilation problem reading this. I am going to call my SpoCon ConCom friends right now about this. 😀
Yes, DO please come to SpoCon! It would be exciting.