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A few older ones here as well.
Last note about Tweet Me Harder for a while, don’t worry. We now have an iTunes feed for the podcast, so that’s a handy way to listen without having to go to the site (though every episode is also archived there for streaming). We just wrapped up our fourth show, and I think it keeps getting better. Subscribe on iTunes to get all the latest, automagically!
I think Kris and I took a big step up with this show, relative to the first, and look forward to seeing where we take this in the future! Our next show will be Tuesday, June 16th, and if you like, you can listen live at tweetmeharder.tumblr.com.
SHOW 2: Houses Made of Bones / 1hr 13min / June 10, 2009 / #tmh2
[audio:https://wondermark.com/audio/TMH2_Final.mp3]Last night Kris and I recorded the pilot episode of our new podcast, Tweet Me Harder! I won’t be posting every episode here at Wondermark, but as this is the first I thought it’d be fun to share. For more info, visit the show’s official site or follow @tweethard on Twitter.
SHOW 1: Parka Car Wash / 1hr 13min / June 3, 2009 / #tmh1