WHY WORK? You can help!

I was informed by Marksman Owen J. this week that my “Why Study?” downloadable educational poster for schools could, with a slight modification, reach an even wider audience with my message of ‘alternative productivity’:

Click to download a print-res version.

WHY STUDY? Spread the word!

I was on the UCLA campus yesterday, and everybody was just bustling about hither and yon, all wrapped up in the end of the semester. It got me thinking…what if there were something I could do to make their burdens seem a little lighter, to make each weary day a little brighter? But, it seems, there is:

I’m on a plane to Seattle tomorrow (for the Emerald City Comic Con this weekend! See you there!) so I won’t have a chance to paper any campuses with these flyers. But you certainly can! Here’s an 8.5″ x 11″ flyer for you to print out, make many copies of, and display, if you wish, on your campus! Bringing joy to your fellow suffering students can be your good deed for the term — I’d award you extra credit if I could. (Remember to snip the pull-off tabs with scissors in the grand guitar-lessons-flyer tradition!)

you can also send me pictures or put them on facebook if you like

Coming up: MoCCA in New York!

This weekend I’ll be in New York for the MoCCA Art Festival! MoCCA is one of my favorite shows, and this year Randall Munroe will be joining me and Yates. I’ll have my new book, Yates will have his new book, Randall will have the charisma that he brings with him everywhere, and if you don’t care about any of us, there’s plenty of other great guests for you to get excited about. If you’re anywhere at all near New York City, you must attend!

In addition, I’ll be on Staten Island Friday night for a screening of Expendable at the Staten Island Film Festival. If you’re in the area, come on by! It’ll also be playing this weekend at Soonercon, in Oklahoma City.

Also, a detail to point out: the book in the photo last week is in fact the very first copy ever, and will be the exact copy going to a lucky contest winner!

Wondermark’s free for school papers!

School’s back in session, right? I don’t even know. Kids, once you graduate and your life is freed of the time-markers of the scholastic calendar — semesters, finals, summers — years start buzzing by in a blur. So, you should want to make your school-days drag by as sloooowly as possible. Well, now I can help, by filling your school newspaper with lowbrow comics! Since time flies when you’re having fun, that is.

For the first time, I’m offering a full semester of weekly Wondermarks to your school paper for free! Here is all that has to happen for you to start seeing Wondermark on your campus before you can say jack-sprinkletoes. The editor (or AN editor) of the paper should email me the following information:

1. Who you are and what school you’re from
2. How many weeks worth of comics’ you’d need (i.e. how long is your semester)
3. Name and contact info of a faculty advisor
4. Favorite mammal and why

If you ARE the faculty advisor, you can leave out the third part. And that’s it! I’ll write back and we’ll go from there. All I ask is that the comics be printed with the header and wondermark.com URL intact, and you can have comics in your paper for free. If you would like this to happen, but are not an editor of your school newspaper, you should politely inform someone who is.

I am especially hopeful that someone from a foreign nation might like to put Wondermark in their paper in a different language! You’ll have to do the translating, but I would very much like to see it when you’re done.

p.s. if the mammal thing is a deal-breaker with your crusty old faculty advisor then don’t worry about it. but geez lighten up seriously

Child’s Play Print Auctions

The three Child’s Play auctions were a tremendous success. Here is a recap narrative to take you through all the WILD TWISTS AND TURNS.

The first image was a placid landscape scene! Take a closer look here.

The winner was the friendly and gregarious Thomas, who bid $242.73. Thomas happened to be in my area and kindly offered to pick up the print in person:

The second print was a ponderous meditation on the nature of consciousness. Take a closer look here.

The winner of this piece was Jason, who bid $247.50. I packed Jason’s print in a large box:

The third print was a careful reconstruction of a moment of elation we all felt at some point in about the second grade.

Take a closer look here.

The winner of this one was Adam, who bid $252.97. I packed Adam’s print in a box similar to Jason’s. Because I anticipated that the post office would not be, shall we say, thrilled at the prospect of manhandling these two large, fragile boxes around their destructi-facility, I attempted to ease their burden with levity:

I wanted to be more elaborate, perhaps something approaching a fresco, but time was at a premium. So I rushed to the post office and arrived mere seconds after they closed, the employee swinging her key-lanyard around on the other side of the doors as if to say, “Screw every one of you suckers racing towards me from the parking lot with murderous gleams in your holiday-shopping-crazed eyes.”

Anyway I went back another day and everything is peachy now.

The total amount bid from all three auctions combined is $743.20. I am absorbing all the eBay and PayPal fees, because that’s what Gabe and Tycho do — Child’s Play doesn’t take any administrative fees, and all of the donations they receive go directly towards the cause; namely, helping to make the time that sick kids spend in the hospital a little more enjoyable. I’m happy to have done my part.

Kid, don’t throw your Wii controller through a window or something.

Thanks for bidding, everyone, and I hope you enjoy the prints!

Update: Jason sent a picture of the safe arrival and display of his print!


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