The AUTOMATED Fiction Generator Mark-II

Insert one thrupenny bit.

Behold the next step in Fiction-Generating technology! I was frankly astonished at the speed and felicity with which Marksmen wrote me this morning with programmed versions of the Fiction Generator 2000. Many thanks to Dean R., Nicholas N., Dan, Rod V., Terry L., and Jonathan G. who sent me a Python file.

But I must give top honors to Liam Cooke’s version! This is, as copywriters would say a century ago, “An IMPROVED Model—Frees operator from labor and ensures consistent results FAR SUPERIOR to those hand-wrought. (Circulars sent free.)”

Tremendous thanks to all who undertook this of their own volition — and to those who’ve written about posters, watch for an announcement hopefully later this week.

4 thoughts on “The AUTOMATED Fiction Generator Mark-II”

  1. Oh the Wondermark-fulness!!! Liam Cooke’s automated Generator is truly worthy of hosting your words! I had already posted about your Generator at MetaFilter (with digressions about webcomics with similar formulas and a plug for TweetMeHarder). Enjoy the dozen or so extra readers.

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