In Austin last weekend, kind reader and friend Elisa Leal brought me an exquisite gift: a hand-made set of WIZARD CHESS. Wizard Chess is something that Kris and I have talked about on Tweet Me Harder before, and Elisa somehow sat down and made it happen. Each piece is hand-sculpted and hand-painted on top of existing wooden chess pieces. (I’ll post more pictures as I’m able.) Thank you so much, Elisa! This is truly amazing and quite a delightful gift.

On Sunday, I was assisted at the booth by Sarah the Austinite, who seemed to know a bit more about Wizard Chess than I did.

I doubt this is the last we’ll see of Wizard Chess.

Also it’s not the first photocomic I’ve made! Longtime readers may remember the six-part epic from my 2006 New York trip with Chris Yates, master of photocomickry. My first convention ever as an artist! And a charming wee tale of sin and redemption:

Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6