NEW: Survival Kit messenger bag!

it is good for survival

To accompany the Emergency Survival Kit t-shirt, based on this knitting comic, I’m pleased to present this sturdy canvas messenger bag! We looked through a ton of bags before settling on this one — I think you’ll love it. It’s strong, roomy, rugged and great-looking, and it’ll fit all your junk permanently. Available now at TopatoCo!

4 thoughts on “NEW: Survival Kit messenger bag!”

  1. Ack! I’m broke, but I have got to get one of these – to carry my knitting around in, of course 😛 !

  2. Holy Christmas List, Batman!

    Hehe. My favorite part is I go to look at the description to see if my 17″ widescreen laptop will fit, since I always have a problem with it fitting in bags, and see, “You can fit a 17″ widescreen laptop in here”. It knoooooows.

    Now the question becomes how much yarn I can fit in with the laptop in it…

  3. Oh, dude… Your wife is on Ravelry, right? You totally need to buy an ad on Ravelry dot com for this KNITTING BAG and the shirt to go with it!

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