A Homemade Calendar Stand


Reader Nancy B. has written to share her homemade “WonderBox”! I love seeing stuff like this. She has constructed a custom holder for her 2014 Roll-A-Sketch Calendar.


Nancy writes,

Dear David,

I am attaching pics of my DIY WonderBox.

I thought you’d like to see how I dressed up my calendar with reused goods:

1 cigar box
4 carpet tacks (perfect size for the holes you punched)
1 pencil to prop open if I go for the slanted on-desk look.

It holds upcoming “pages” and stores past ones, which I plan to reuse by turning them into birthday cards for friends, as I send them “their” date!

Thanks for the Wonder-ful creatures.


Nancy’s model works either on a desk, canted at a jaunty angle, OR it can stand at attention on a shelf.

Thanks for sharing, Nancy! Neat!!


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