You're lucky I didn't show you what IT'S running from

This is not a guest comic! East Coast weather has played havoc with the airlines, so a weekend trip to Massachusetts has unexpectedly turned into a week, and I’m still not at home where I can access my computer. Left without my database of weird images, my choices were to scour the web for something usable to make a comic…or do something a little more fun. I’m staying with Jeffrey Rowland at the moment, and while he doesn’t have shelves full of Victorian books like I do, he most certainly does have art supplies and a scanner. So I drew and colored this comic for you! I’m sure our regular players are fervently hoping that this mysterious new character doesn’t find his way back into the normal strips…but who knows?

New stickers & shirts now available!

I have submitted the manufacturing order for my new set of pins!

They are at the factory now — I should be receiving my stock in the month of August sometime.

Here are the final designs. Pre-orders are still open!

This project has been really fun! I enjoyed the challenge of designing a bunch of new stuff (which I haven’t done in a while), and it’s been really interesting seeing which designs have hit and which are are little less popular.

I can already tell that a few of these are going to be one print run only. So, this is your best chance to grab anything you like while they are all guaranteed to be available.

I’ve also made available sticker and T-shirt versions of all these same designs! Likewise, they are all available now, although some of them may not be available after this campaign (or anyway, I’m unlikely to reprint them after I sell through the first print run).

The shirt versions of these designs will be made to order, so basically any color is available, not just black!

But for simplicity’s sake, here are all the designs on black:

I am also taking this opportunity to reissue some of my older shirt designs as one-offs… So there are a total of 20 (!) shirt designs available.

Finally…I am also offering my books, games, and other miscellaneous things too (like greeting cards). This is a great opportunity to pick up some things at a discounted shipping rate!

And many of these items will migrate to my online store later on, but likely not all of them, so if you see something here you like, please don’t hesitate!

A hearty thank-you to everyone who has already placed an order!! Rest assured I am using your money to manufacture these actual things, and then shortly, I will be mailing them to you.


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