#074; In which Thanks are made for Nothing — September 28th, 2004 [ Tags: holidays, language ] Permalink: https://wondermark.com/c/074/ Buy a Print
#070; In which a Transaction fails to occur — August 31st, 2004 [ Tags: entrepreneurship, language, schemes, threats, unruly children ] Permalink: https://wondermark.com/c/070/ Buy a Print
#063; In which Amourous Intent factors — July 13th, 2004 [ Tags: animals, language, sex, the culture ] Permalink: https://wondermark.com/c/063/ Buy a Print
#054; In which Dentistry is practiced — May 11th, 2004 [ Tags: language, popular media ] Permalink: https://wondermark.com/c/054/ Buy a Print
#038; In which Dialect is adopted — January 20th, 2004 [ Tags: language, race ] Permalink: https://wondermark.com/c/038/ Buy a Print