I’ve started a thread on the messageboard for bug reports and status updates. So far we have an alt-text issue in the RSS feed and a crazy LiveJournal feed, both of which are being worked on. Update: Both issues have been resolved. If you’ve got anything new to report, or want to check the status of the known issues, please visit the thread — and I encourage you to browse around and poke in all the corners of the new site. Really break it in and let me know what you find — I want it to be robust. Thanks!
blog: housekeeping
Welcome to the new site!
Welcome to the all-new, totally-redesigned Wondermark.com! I have to thank both Tyler Martin of ComicPress and my team of beta-testing and data-entry Twitter volunteers for their wonderful, devoted service. I’ve been working on this a long time, and it’s nice to finally see it come together.
Over the coming weeks I’ll point out in detail some of the newest, most fun things that I like about this site, but for now I’ll just mention two: There’s now a separate Twitter feed specifically for every update to this site; and if you subscribe to the RSS, LiveJournal feed, or Feedburner email subscription you’ll soon notice that I’m no longer going to adhere to a strict only-twice-weekly, comic+newspost posting schedule. I’ll have to wean myself away from posting a news post with every comic, but I’ll definitely be posting drawings and other fun bits throughout the week instead of just on Tuesdays & Fridays. The RSS, LJ feed or email list are all ways to stay on top of that. (If you’re reading this right now through one of the feeds, hello! You are already in the future.)
Finally, there may still be bugs here or there in the site, and if you find anything wonky, please email me. There are a few known issues, but we’re getting them all ironed out as quickly and smoothly as we can.
Welcome! Stay awhile! I’ll see you again soon.