Drawing: sort of a flat butt

what is she holding? :O

I’m trying to get better at drawing women.  So far this batch (more to come) hasn’t turned out TOO bad.  They were all drawn on the plane coming home from STAPLE!, which was a very jazzing, artsy experience.

Drawing: classical squidliness

Drew this (these?) guy(s) while at the STAPLE! show in Austin last weekend.

I’m going to continue posting work here as often as I can, but in order to have enough time for my many other projects, things will slow down a little bit over here. You can monitor the RSS feed, the LJ feed, or the newsletter (all links over on the right) to stay abreast of the latest developments.

Drawing: zap gun

with a brain like that you'd think he'd find some pants

Another one that ran off the edge of the page, but in this case his arm just got (awkwardly) squozen to fit.