2014 Errata

Sometimes, you write and publish a comic strip, and sometimes, you find out later that you got something wrong. Since files on the internet are impervious to change, please find instead, below, a comprehensive list of our errors, omissions, and misstatements of fact in 2014. #1023; The Counsel of the Expert (Part 3) Clearly, Darren also benefited from networking. #1034; A Masterpiece in every Router Craig does actually have a choice in the matter; he is just choosing to ignore it for dramatic effect. #1053; The Star So Softly Said Hello Later reports indicate that the star was probably billions … Read more

2013 Errata

Although we employ a rigorous team of fact-checkers at all times, who — in violation of most worldwide labor laws — don’t even get a break to go to the restroom, we have been informed by various busybodies that a few factual mistakes have crept into the occasional comic strip we published in 2013. Please find our corrections below. #911; What Happens Alone, Part 2 There are, in fact, geese on Gax, but they devour any creature whose gaze brushes against their silky feathers, so it makes sense that Gax would not know about them. #938; In which a Dog’s … Read more

2011 Errata

Flickr photo by Nick Webb Once every year, my crack team of ombudsfolk compiles a humiliating list of all the factual inaccuracies in the previous twelve months’ comics. With my apologies for any confusion or distress these errors may have caused, please find corrections below. #696; The Chilling Case of Were-Cat The prefix “were-“, as in werewolf, is Old English for ‘man’ — so something referred to as “were-cat” would in fact be expected to be some sort of man/cat creature, and not strictly a cat (or even a cat/cat). #690; In which a Tag is Utterly Obscured The action … Read more

2009 Errata

During our year-end review, we have discovered a number of factual errors in comics published in 2009. Please find our corrections below. #567; O Selfless Saviors It is an overstatement to say that no children have ever been poisoned by Halloween treats. In 1964, a woman handed out pellets of ant poison masquerading as treats; in 1974 a father gave his son a candy straw filled with cyanide. However, the man was using Halloween as a cover to kill his child, and the woman’s treats were clearly labeled and intended as a dark comment on the treat tradition. Thus, the … Read more

2008 Errata

It has come to our attention that the past year’s comics contained a number of factual inaccuracies. Please find our corrections below. #470; In which it doesn’t take Much While the lyrics to “Good King Wenceslas” and “Yankee Doodle” share the same meter, the melodies of the songs are not identical. #469; In which Now you Know The character claiming a diagnosis of “a dozen different types of gout” was mistaken. His actual diagnosis was “eleven different types of gout and a severe, gout-like case of calcium pyrophosphate deposition disease.” #463; In which the Future is Saved Marty did not, … Read more