Here’s the first prototype I’ve received for the Machine of Death card game Deluxe Box! The Deluxe Boxes will be laser-cut and hand-assembled by Jason Lioi of Dapper Devil, and each individual box is laser-numbered. A unique number is cut into every box with a laser.
Because of the labor involved, these boxes will only be available during the Kickstarter! They’re really nice, too.
I think at this point it’s fair to say that I am beyond flabbergasted with how well the Kickstarter has done. We’ve raised over $385,000 — with a few days left to go still. It’s an amazing vote of confidence in the game, which is tremendously flattering, but I think it’s also because we’re trying to add a ton of value as well.
In our recent updates we have so far released eight free preview stories from the upcoming Machine of Death sequel This is How You Die, and we’ve also now unlocked twenty-two bonus mini-sets of cards by webcomics greats. Here’s a video where you can see some of who’s involved:
All the bonus webcomics artist cards come FREE when you pledge to the game during the Kickstarter. And if you already have, hooray! More great stuff for you!
I’m so excited about this game, folks. With all the dozens of stretch goals that we have so far unlocked, it’s MAYBE become the most complicated thing I have ever attempted. BUT THAT IS OKAY because if I am anything, it is UP FOR THE CHALLENGE. Handing me a pile of money and saying “Make this thing as AWESOME AS YOU CAN” is basically the best job ever, and I’m so pleased to find that so far it seems like seven thousand other people agree!!