It’s my latest book — Dapper Caps & Pedal-Copters, a new hardbound Wondermark collection from Dark Horse Comics!

Like my previous Wondermark collections, this book contains 100+ individual comic strips (complete with mouseover text), plus something like 20 pages of new and bonus material, most of it created specifically for this volume. It reprints the long-form Wondermark story “The Catch!”, which was seen previously on MySpace Dark Horse Presents, but also includes:

  • An Extra-Large Pedal-Copter Post Card
  • An Inventor’s Catalog of Advertisments
  • A Table of Contents, Preface, and a version of the book’s full text presented in the superior Sandoval Method of Rapid Reading
  • An Index of Topical References
  • Patent applications, world record lists, theater reviews, and a bevy of other features extrapolating on premises put forth by individual comic strips (many of which are newly presented in full color)
  • Abandoned Efforts and other comics that have never been published on this site
  • Exploded Views of certain comics, showing the components they have been crafted from
  • A Bears-In-Ill-Fitting-Hats Image Gallery, for the pleasure of zoologists/haberdashers
  • And many more things as well, including an entirely separate, secondary book contained within the covers of this one. Seriously.

All of my books are like this! I love cramming them absolutely full, cover to cover, with all sorts of goodies, bonus bits, and things that can only work in printed form. It’s a whole new and exciting reading experience!

I already mentioned that the book contains certain comics in full color: thanks to my recent coloring contest, in this book you will find work that has been chromatized by Carly Monardo, Marcus Thiele, Philip R. Obermarck, and the scarily-named Jolly Rotten. Here’s another sneak peek at the book as well.

Dapper Caps is available through pretty much all the major book places. If you have a local comic shop, they probably have or will get it, or they can get it from Dark Horse. If you have a friendly local bookstore, they can certainly order it, or they might have it already. (The ISBN is: 978-1-59582-449-3.) If you are strapped for cash and would prefer to order it through a certain huge online bookstore website, it is quite honestly probably cheapest there (but at least do me the favor of using the search box in the right sidebar of my site, so I get a little kickback from the sale).

OR you can just order it from me! When you do so, you directly support me and my efforts, and I get a much, much higher percentage of the sale. And as a special bonus, from now through April 12 I am offering Artist Editions of all books! That means the new book and any/all of the old ones can be upgraded to include a custom unique sketch by me, which I will execute in a couple weeks (so the orders won’t ship until then). The regular, non-sketched edition of the new books will ship at the same time (April 13 or so), so why not upgrade to an Artist Edition and get the super-special version? You might get something like this:

Let’s recap! The new book can be ordered now (and your copy will ship around April 13). You can also get it, or any of the old books, upgraded to Artist Edition for a limited time. I won’t be offering Artist Editions again until November. Here are more examples of what Artist Editions might look like (though of course they’re all different)!

AND HEY WHAT — I’ve also got some keen new sticker-packs as well:

As well as the regular complement of shirts, posters, comic prints et cetera at the Wondermark Store. Please remember that any order containing pre-ordered books will ship all at once, once the books come in.

Thanks a million for your continued support! Let’s keep doing it just like this

4 thoughts on “New book! DAPPER CAPS & PEDAL-COPTERS”

  1. Out of curiosity do you get paybacks from the book depository (UK or US version)? I’m in Australia and to get your books from TopatoCo would cost me roughly $45 in just the shipping(!), where the depository has free shipping (so as much as I would like to support you, I just can’t support UPS that much (UPS charge $30 for an international shipping brokerage fee – really, all they need to do is put it on a ship/plane and let customs deal with it on the other end))

  2. I say, any way you can get it is fine! I totally understand about shipping/customs fees, and I’d rather you get the book(s) cheaply and locally than not at all.

  3. @quiktekk: You can help out Malki by ordering the real BOOK and then put IT to your FACE! It’s the new facebook!

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