Check out: Three great comics

I’m pleased to announce that my film Expendable will be showing this weekend in the Dragon*Con Film Festival! I would love it if someone attending Dragon*Con could give me a report of how the screening goes.

School’s starting, right? Here’s some great comics for you to check out while you wait to make friends! Forming habits early in your academic career is all-important.

Anders Loves Maria: A wonderful story comic by Rene Engström. I love Rene’s sweeping linework! As it’s an ongoing story, I recommend reading the about page before diving in randomly.

The Adventures of Ellie Connelly: A Victorian paranormal adventure by Indigo Kelleigh. If you like Wondermark’s 19th-century aesthetic, definitely check this one out.

Finally, Scott Campbell is one of my favorite artists. He’s got a regular comic strip, but man just try clicking around on his blog and see if you don’t find a hundred things to fall in love with.

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