People in school, take note

School’s in! A prime time for you to share wonderful comics with your campus via this handy-dandy Print-N-Post motivational flyer (PDF):

Also: Would your school newspaper like weekly Wondermark comics for free? They’re yours for the asking! As before, the editor (or AN editor) of the paper should email me the following information:

1. Who you are and what school you’re from
2. How many weeks worth of comics’ you’d need (i.e. how long is your term)
3. Name and contact info of a faculty advisor
4. Favorite reptile and why

If you ARE the faculty advisor, you can leave out the third part. And that’s it! I’ll write back and we’ll go from there. All I ask is that the comics be printed with the header and URL intact, and you can have comics in your paper for free.

If you would like this to happen, but are not an editor of your school newspaper, you should politely inform someone who is!

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