Recipe cards with the ink smudged into illegibility by still-pungent cooking sherry...Half-eaten Werther's Originals wrapped in a corner torn from a newspaper grocery flyer...A thirty-foot chain of multicolored scarves tied end to end, terminating in a Belgian flag...The keys to a stranger's 1984 Chevy Silverado encased in a hard carapace of amber, at the bottom of a coffee can filled with olive pits to fool the X-ray machines...You know, just normal, little stuff.

This weekend: I’m in Juneau!


After a very long time with no appearances, I’m pleased to say I’ll be in Juneau, Alaska this weekend with books, trinkets and sketches!

The 2024 Alaska Robotics Minicon takes place on Saturday, April 27 at the APK Libraries, Archives, and Museum building.

I’ll also be doing a presentation the night before, Friday 4/26, at the kickoff variety show at the Mendenhall Valley Library. The full events schedule is here!

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