it keeps going FOREVER

Carly Monardo wraps up Guest Week here at the ol’ giggle-emporium. Carly is a classy and talented lady who painted this friendly Futurism poster for me! She is also having a sketch drive to help raise money for her wedding to the equally-classy Chris Hastings of Dr. McNinja (and similarly-animated guest comic) fame. What a great chance to get some wonderful original art for your home, office or solitary-confinement enclosure!

Thanks for filling in, Carly, and please lock up the site when you leave. Leave the keys in the toolshed behind the old Murder Hut. Regular comics return next week.

Wondermark at Emerald City Comic Con 2025!

After five years away, I’ll be returning next weekend to Emerald City Comic Con in Seattle.

Come visit me at booth 20211! Upstairs in the exhibit hall where the sunlight hits us! It’ll be grand!

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