Reason #485 why it would suck to be a caveman: I bet babies used to be even MORE annoying than they are today. All of today's babies are descended from the subset of caveman babies that were not intolerable enough to destroy.

Anyone who is offended by this was not on my flight last night.

This Saturday: Reddit AMA!


This Saturday, May 18, starting at 10AM Pacific time, I’ll be doing a live “Ask Me Anything” on /r/comics.

I’ve been informed that the mods will make the actual post a few hours earlier, for questions to start rolling in. UPDATE: Here is the link to the thread!

I will of course (as is tradition) award a prize to the best question asked during the AMA.

I’ve done a few AMAs before, and topics previously discussed include:

➡️ In 2018:

  • Sick elephants!
  • Exclamation marks!
  • Sea lions!

➡️ In 2013:

  • The Machine of Death books and card game!
  • Tweet Me Harder, the podcast I did with Kris Straub that (at that point) had only recently concluded!
  • The art and state of webcomics!

Super interesting to see how things have changed and evolved since I gave those answers. Most of them still ring true, but a few have the lingering taste of “the way things were a while ago” on them now.

Anyway, please tune in this weekend to ask new questions and read new answers!!

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