Regarding Comic #741, that tale of the elusive goofy elk…Dave D. writes in with this to say:
You have inadvertently solved a mystery that has been troubling my wife and I for years. A few years back, we picked up a dog from the boyfriend of a customer who couldn’t care for her anymore. She is a mixed breed of some sort, but we are the third owners and have only her original vet papers which claim she is a “Rottweiler/Shepherd/Lab?” She clearly has some Rottweiler in her, and most often is mistaken as a Rottie puppy since she is only 60lbs and has a lot of energy. She also has a tongue much too large for her skull and a rather silly demeanour.
Well I was reading your comic, as is my habit, and you’ve solved it! I would bet the farm that she is a Rottie/Goofy Elk cross. Although the attached picture does not show it as well as it might, she does make the exact face of the beast featured in the latest strip. It would also explain why I have been feeling more and more Marty Feldmanish … Feldmany .. Feldmanesque .. with each passing day.
Anyhow, I have always loved your comic but I hadn’t realized what an educational tool it was. Thank you.
Dave enclosed the photo below. To which I can only say…SEPARATED AT BIRTH???