Wits is a very fun radio show — it’s a comedy and variety show, hosted by John Moe and produced by American Public Media (don’t call them NPR!).
I like Wits — my only complaint is that I wish it were longer. It’s got a podcast and/or it may be on your local public radio station. Here in Los Angeles, it’s on KPCC on Saturday afternoons.
Last week, one of the guests was author Neil Gaiman. See, there was a contest: The Bad Gaiman Challenge.
Neil’s tremendous imagination can be found in novels, short stories, graphic novels, theater, and film. There’s no one like Neil Gaiman.
Or is there?
No, probably not. Still, we invite you to try and fail to be like Neil. Wits proudly presents THE BAD GAIMAN CHALLENGE.
Submit your worst Neil Gaiman knock-off story…There are no prizes beyond the deep satisfaction that comes with knowing you’re the author of the worst Neil Gaiman-esque short fiction in the world.
I submitted a very short Gaiman pastiche.
And I was very pleased to learn that it was one of the winners! Neil Gaiman read my piece, among a few others, live on the show!
I was very tickled to hear it. Here’s the episode.
The whole thing’s worth a listen, of course, but if you must pick and choose, the Bad Gaiman Challenge begins at about 23:05.
Neil, if you read this, thank you for handling the dramatic pauses so well.
EDIT: Sweet, there is video as well!